She found the recipe from Martha Stewart which can be found here.
A few friends came over to eat them with me. They were skeptical of the pumpkin in a pancake too before they had their first was I. But they were so yum! A must try by all. Do it.
My pumpkin is shrinking fast:
And in other news...
In case you didn't quite catch that, that's a ring on my finger. My ring finger that is. YES, the boy popped the question and now we're engaged! I've been dying to tell you but had to wait until all the fam-dam, and close friends knew first.
So I'm a tad bit excited at the moment. You'll have to excuse my giddiness for a wee while, because I think it's going to linger for some time until the excitement wears off. Yippeee, wedding plans here we come!